Thursday 1 January 2015

Suffering for the Truth

Ever since I was a child, I always found it important to stand up for the truth.  I'm talking about the truth that is only found in Scripture.  My childhood church turned emergent during the 1990's.  I noted that something was wrong right away.  My family had held on there for years because of our friendships that we had there.  We knew that if we left we would lose them.  (Sounds like great friends eh?)  I was only taught Arminian doctrine.
Eventually, there was a complete exodus of most of the members of this church.  The next church my family attended went emergent and word of faith.  I didn't know these terms back then.  I just knew something was wrong.  During my time at this church, I got married and had my daughter.  My parents and siblings continued to attend along with us.  One Sunday the pastor of the church announced that any who disagreed with the direction of the church could find their way to the nearest exit.  He said that he was leading the congregation south and we were welcome to head north.  Not surprisingly, we left that church.
My husband and I were left extremely discouraged.  We decided to try a church that a family friend had recommended.  Once we attended there, it was like a breath of fresh air.  The pastor preached from God's Word.  He spoke out against Rick Warren, The Secret, Oprah, and The Shack.  He taught us about the errors of the Emergent Church , mysticism, and contemplative prayer.  For the first time in my life I felt like I belonged to a church family.  My husband, my parents, and I got involved in the church.  Our pastor introduced us to "The Way of the Master."  My husband began an evangelism ministry that was fully supported by our church.  He and a number of other men went to the "Ambassador's Academy."  Every Friday night they would go out and share the gospel.  This ministry was thriving.  We had friends, ministries we loved, and the truth from the pulpit.  Life was great!
After being at the church for a number of years, things began to change.  Our pastor became cold and distant.  He took a six month sabbatical and wrote a book.  His wife (who called me frequently) became inaccessible.  The church had an elders' board.  This was a unelected board.  The men on the board simply appointed new elders.  The head elder was always one of two men.  No others on the board would ever have this position. Our pastor became known as a "teaching elder."
Strange things began happening.  The evangelism ministry was called into question.  The elders wanted the open-air preaching to stop.  Apparently, there were some complaints from our community about this ministry.  The men in the ministry were adhering to all the laws and bylaws for our community.  This was just persecution.  An executive decision was made by the elders to dissolve the evangelism ministry.  The people in the ministry could still go out and witness but they could not use the church's name when witnessing.  They were to be completely separate from the church.
Around this time, a group named "Life Action Ministries" came to our church.  Prior to them coming, they sent a promoter.  It was kind of like what the circus would do in the old days.  Believe me, this was no less of a circus.  One of the men that came, spoke in detail about an adulterous affair he had had while on a business trip.  He credited "Life Action Ministries" with reviving him.  The whole thing was carefully scripted to elicit emotion from the congregation.  I knew that something was wrong with this ministry.
When their team visited our church eight weeks later, I was astounded.  They used every method of Charles Finney to manipulate the congregation.  They also endorsed Keswick Theology.  They believed that each Christian had to reach a crisis moment in their life.  At this point of crisis, they could achieve a second blessing or filling of the Holy Spirit.  The main speaker admitted that he had these revivals down to a "science."  He took many verses out of context in order to achieve his goals.  Microphones were set up at the front of the church so that people could go and confess their sins openly to the congregation.  People were told to write down their idols on Styrofoam cups.  They were then to come to the front of the church and crush these cups with their feet.
A cursory look at the website of "Life Action Ministries" revealed that they had no problem with mysticism.  They had numerous books for sale.  Including those by Henry Blackaby, Priscilla Shirer, Jim Cymbala, Gary Thomas, and Mark Batterson.   They also quoted Catholic mystics such as Henri Nouwen and Brother Lawrence.  Here is a link to their beliefs -  Through two visits to my church they raked in about $62,000.  This ministry has long tentacles.  They are involved in the SBC, Moody, and The True Woman Movement.
This ministry received a cult-like following at my church.  The women in my church decided to attend a True Woman Conference in 2012.  As I looked at the list of speakers, I became alarmed.  Priscilla Shirer was one of the speakers.  I've already outlined the problems with this woman in a previous blog post.  I contacted the True Woman organization regarding my concerns with this speaker.  I was told that this conference wasn't for a woman like me.  I also brought my concerns to my pastor ( teaching elder) and the head elder.  They weren't going to stop the women from attending but they would go over what mysticism was with them.  They appeared annoyed that I'd brought this to their attention.
Unfortunately, I soon learned that the women in my church were reading "Jesus Calling" and "1000 Gifts."  I discovered that the church library had books by Henry Blackaby and Richard Foster.  I became alarmed.  I brought my concerns to my pastor.  I was told that he and the elders couldn't police the church.  They had too many strings on their violin to deal with it.  If I kept bringing disunity to the church then I would find myself in a home church.   I also tried to ask questions about Tim Keller and John Piper.  Both of these men do not believe in a literal six day creation.  They were constantly being quoted by our assistant pastor.  I wanted some clarification about what to do with this errant belief.  My pastor - teaching elder- told me to have grace for this error.  He also hoped that I would have grace if he ever "fell." My husband, family, and I were puzzled by these words.  My Mom and I had used Facebook to try to warn the women of the church about Priscilla Shirer and to bring attention to these mystical books.  We soon found out that this was unappreciated.
On St. Patrick's Day 2013 my family was kicked out of our church.  My husband and I were not present that day.  My husband had to work and I was home with our son who was sick.  My husband had been trying for 8 months to be able to meet with the elders board regarding the evangelism ministry.  They were still against open air preaching and my husband wanted them to show him from Scripture where it was wrong.  Instead the elders used a back door approach to get rid of us.  They decided to kick my parents out.  Three elders surrounded my parents.  My daughter and brother were present.  They did this in a back pew at the end of a service so that everyone could see it.  They told my parents that they were no longer welcome to worship with them.  One elder expressed that his wife would miss my children.  The elders didn't like us warning the flock on Facebook.  Facebook wasn't to be used as an outreach or for evangelism.  They were also appalled that my Mom had shared a sermon by John MacArthur about the seven year tribulation.  Our pastor - teaching elder- had his own, very original thoughts regarding the end times.  We were to accept these and no other teachings.  Also, the head elder expressed three times that he had no problem with lectio divina, contemplative prayer, and mysticism.  He also expressed that the church was going with "Life Action Ministries."  He acted aggressively towards my parents.  He yelled at them saying, "Do you think you're smarter than me?"  Our pastor - teaching elder- was out in the hallway.  He was waiting for their report.  Finally, the horrible interview ended.  These elders had the audacity to end it in a prayer about unity.  They mumbled something about an official meeting where my parents could plead their case.  Unfortunately, they neglected to give the time and place.  As of this writing, my parents have heard nothing from any elder or leader from our former church.
We were absolutely stunned.  I walked around like I was in a fog.  My husband was working 14 hr. days, 7 days a week.  I received 2 calls from the youth pastor of the church.  Each one, I let go to the answering machine.  I was in shock.  I sat down to write a letter.  I put nine hours into it.  Everything I said was backed up with proof.  My husband and I sent it to our elders and a few selected friends.  The only letter we received back from the elders was one full of personal attacks.  What we said was true but our tone was critical.  We were also told that we were responsible for the loss of numerous friendships for our children.  I was stunned.
The next Sunday, a congregational meeting was held.  They stated that my family hadn't been kicked out.  Bits of my letter were read out of context.  A man who had eaten numerous dinners in our home, slandered my Mom and myself in front of the church.  A trusted friend told me what happened at this meeting.  All in all, the meeting was a complete snow job.  It was my family's word against the elders.  The elders were anointed by God.  How could they be wrong?
Since this horrible event, we have tried another church in our community. At this church, we were frozen out.  Apparently, they had heard our story from the elders at our former church.  They made sure to make us feel unwelcome.  We also experienced errant teaching while we were there.   Finally, we couldn't handle their unkindness towards us any longer.  So we decided to start a home church.
Another couple who had also been kicked out of our former church began joining us.  They were dismissed for Facebook infractions as well.  Each Sunday we meet in our home to sing and listen to a sermon podcast.  We also share in communion.  It has been a time of growth.  We have learned so much about doctrine.  We'd never been taught doctrine at all.  We were always told that it was divisive.  Finally, we understand doctrine. *NOTE*  By doctrine I am referring to Calvinism vs. Arminianism.  Election and predestination.  The eternal security of the salvation of believers.  These important doctrines were not discussed at my former church.  Doctrine was considered divisive.
I'm hoping that through sharing this that I can get over the trauma.  Perhaps some of you have experienced this type of abuse.  That is all I can call it - abuse.
Romans 8:18 " For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
Amendment * A self-appointed or unelected elder is not an elder if they do not meet the qualifications outlined in Scripture.  These qualifications are found in Titus 1:5-9 and in 1Tim. 3:1-6.  Elders in a faithful New Testament Church should be reviewed frequently to ensure that these standards are being met in their lives.  If this isn't happening at your church then you have a situation that is ripe for church abuse.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Are You a Toto?

Do you ever feel like you're a Toto?  You know the little dog who pulled back the curtain and revealed the true "wizard" in the movie "The Wizard of Oz." Here is the scene:

In the evangelical world, there are so many deceitful people luring unsuspecting sheep away from Scripture.  Yet, as a Toto, you can pull back the curtain on them numerous times with the same result.  These sheep still think that these false teachers are "amazing." This is so annoying to me.  There are two women in particular that I'd like to pull back the curtain on. Beth Moore is one of the most prevalent women's Bible study authors in North America.  I can hardly believe that this is true.  She twists Scripture and claims Gods speaks to her audibly.  That God gives her divine revelation.  Here is an excerpt from her book, The Beloved Disciple.
 Bold emphasis is added:
Beloved, I am convinced one of our severest needs is pure rest. Not only sleep, but refreshment and recreation. Recently God spoke to me about capturing what He and I are calling “Sabbath moments.” Like many of yours, my schedule right now is particularly tough, and I see no time in the near future for a number of days off. God spoke to my heart one Saturday morning while I was preparing for Sunday school: “My child, in between more intense rests, I want to teach you to take Sabbath moments.” I wasn’t certain what He meant. Just that morning God confirmed His desire for me to drive all the way to the other side of Houston to the medical center to visit a patient with brain cancer. I was very thankful for the privilege of visiting this patient, but I knew in advance it would be tough emotionally and far from restful.
I fought the traffic across Houston, then visited with my new friend and her husband while choking back the tears. They have two young sons, and unless God performs a miracle, their mother will go home to be with the Lord before they are grown. I got in my car and prayed. I pulled out of the parking garage, fighting the tears. A few blocks later as if on autopilot, I turned my steering wheel straight into the parking lot of the Houston Zoo!
Christ seemed to say, “Let’s go play.” And that we did. I hadn’t been to the zoo in years. I heard about all the improvements, but I never expected the ultimate: Starbucks coffee! (OK, so I don’t have all my health issues down pat.) Can you imagine watching a baby koala take a nap in a tree on a rare cold day in Houston with a Starbucks grande cappuccino in your hand? Now that’s a Sabbath moment! God and I had a blast.
Beth Moore, The Beloved Disciple, (B&H Publishing: 2003), 220.

Now, this would be enough for me to walk away from Beth Moore.  She is claiming personal revelation from God.  She doesn't believe that God's revealed Word is enough.  You can also watch her mangle Scripture:
Unfortunately, a Toto doesn't get any "Sabbath Rests."  Pulling back the curtain on these false teachers is a full time job.  Another false teacher who has risen to fame is Priscilla Shirer.  She is a friend of Beth Moore and the daughter of Tony Evans.  She claims to hear from God and instructs women on how to have an "experience" with God.
Here are the links to the videos of Priscilla Shirer:
These women do not believe that God's revealed Word is enough for them.   Evangelicals agree that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. A percentage of these evangelicals, including me, believe that this revealed Scripture is sufficient. The rest, a surprisingly large number, do not believe that it is sufficient.  Instead, they search for ways to make an "Experience with God" happen.  In order to do this, they have gone to using techniques that are found in Catholicism and New Age religions to achieve their experiences. They are hearing from "spirits" but it isn't the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures.  That is where we should turn to read what God has to say to us.

2 Tim 3:16,17 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." NKJV

2 Cor 11:19, 20 " For you put up with fools gladly, since you yourselves are wise! For you put up with it if one brings you into bondage, if one takes from you, if one exalts himself, if one strikes you on the face." NKJV

1 Tim 4:1"Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons." NKJV

The sufficiency of Scripture is under attack.  We need to be Totos and call out the false teachers who would deny the sufficiency of Scripture.  Revealing these "wizards behind the curtain" may come with some high costs.  If you become a Toto, you may lose friends, family members, and perhaps even your church.  You will be called divisive and accused of having a critical spirit.  It is not a job for the faint of heart.  There will be times of discouragement.  I know that standing up for the truth can be very difficult.  The truth isn't popular, as Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, Apostle Paul, and countless others have discovered.   Be encouraged, many great men and women in the history of the church were Totos. 


Wednesday 27 November 2013

The Truth is I'm Critical and Proud of it!

You're so critical!  You have no grace or love.  Do these statements sound familiar?  They do to me.  I've been on the receiving end of these lines quite a few times.  Usually, these statements arise from an individual who has elevated a celebrity pastor/author/teacher to the point of infallibility.  They resent anyone who might force them to look at this "Christian" celebrity in an honest light.  As long as the celebrity gets their theology right 75% of the time then who am I to judge that individual?

This is flawed thinking and I'll use a real life example to explain why.  I went to college to get my Diploma of Nursing quite a few years ago now.  In my college program, I was taught to use critical thinking skills.  Each time I assessed a patient, I had to make sure that I didn't overlook any of their symptoms.  It was my job to make sure that I was giving the physician all the important health data about the patient.  Now, what if I'd only given the doctor 75% of the correct health data about the patient?  What if I'd overlooked 25% of the patient's symptoms?  This would be a grave error.  It is possible that the patient could have died.  My competency as a nurse is dependent on my ability to be critical and to judge my patient's symptoms.

As Christians we should be competent in our ability to divide between truth and error.  We should be able to decide if something is false or even heresy.  God's standard of Truth - His Holy and Inspired Word - should be our sword to cut a line between truth and error.  Therefore, it should offend you when you hear your favourite "Christian" pastor/author/teacher do any of the following:

  1. Describe pornographic divinations and attribute them to the Holy Spirit.
  2. Participate in lectio divina.
  3. Be open to the gap theory and/or theistic evolution.
  4. Quote Catholic mystics in their books.
  5. Twist Scripture in any way, shape, or form to make it about them.
If you choose to overlook these errors (I just named a few) then you are helping these celebrity "Christians" murder the truth.  Does that sound harsh?  Well if I offered you a drink that had 75% water and 25% arsenic and you drank it then I would be committing murder.  I'm sure that I would be held accountable for the crime of murder.  Do you think a jury would be merciful to me?  No!  These celebrities need to be held accountable for their blatant crimes against God's Holy and Inspired Word.  To ignore or support their error is beyond my understanding as a Christian.  It is to accept and propagate their poison.

2 Timothy 2:14 - 17a  "Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase more ungodliness.  And their message will spread like cancer..."  (taken from the MacArthur Study Bible NKJV)

Monday 4 November 2013

Reflections from Strange Fire

Recently, I attended the Strange Fire Conference at Grace Community Church in California.  The conference was very well done.  My husband and I felt extremely welcomed and enjoyed ourselves so much.  They were even kind enough to serve a luncheon just for Canadians so we had the opportunity to spend time with some of our countrymen.  Over 700 people from the church served us and we are so thankful for them.

Each speaker taught me so much and held to the truth of Scripture.
Here are some thoughts and reflections that I want to share from the conference:

  1. According to John MacArthur, the biggest problem in the church today is a lack of discernment.  I would totally agree with him.  Lately, I've discovered almost a willful ignorance on the part of some Christians.  Many who don't even want to know the truth about a "celebrity" pastor/author/speaker.  They refuse to be good Bereans and they hide behind their fabricated and worldly idea of unity and grace.  Truth is going to divide. 
  2. Worship of God is a very serious undertaking.  The most serious crimes against God occur in corrupt worship. In Exodus 32, we have an example of corrupt worship when Aaron fashioned a golden calf.  This was a false representation of the True God.  Anytime we engage in corrupt worship we are committing a crime against God.  We must be careful to ensure that the theology behind our music, our sermons, and our worship practices is Biblical.  John MacArthur stated that "the theology of the charismatic movement follows their music and will enter the church in that way."  He specifically mentioned the bands Hillsong and Jesus Culture.
  3. There can't be 2 streams of revelation.  It must be Scripture alone.  This is one of the solas that was fought for by the reformers.  The charismatic movement was in the Roman Catholic church before it even came into Protestantism.  The Holy Spirit will only work in accordance with the Word.  He inspired the Holy Word He will only work in unity with it.  If you are expecting to receive personal revelation from God than you are saying that Jesus wasn't the full revelation.  People want what is new.  But if it is new than it isn't true.
  4. Miracles were rare in the Bible.  Charismatics seem to expect the miraculous to occur everyday. In the Bible, there were only 3 primary eras of miracles.  The first era occurred during the lifetimes of Moses and Joshua.  This was about 65 years long.  The second era occurred during the lifetimes of Elijah and Elisha.  This was about 65 years long.  The third era occurred during the lifetimes of Christ and His apostles.  This was about 70 years long.  For approximately 200 years God empowered men to do miracles.  These were done to affirm that the words these men spoke were from God.
  5. The difference between miracles and God's providence was made clear to me.  A miracle is an extraordinary work of God that goes against the laws of nature.  Its purpose is to authenticate the person and their message.  God's providence is that God is involved in all the details of our lives.  God works all things together for good therefore He is working in our lives. (Phil. 2:13)  God might use a spontaneous thought in our heads for His glory.  This doesn't mean that your thought is inspired.  Christians who fall into following the voice in their heads will end up in disaster. (Prov. 28:26)
  6. The work of the Holy Spirit is essentially to point us to Christ and to cause us to become more like Christ.  He produces in us a desire to become a slave of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The wiggling, gibberish, and phony healings of the Charismatic movement do nothing to point us to Christ.  They are also nothing new.  In fact these types of ecstatic experiences can be found in many religions including Islam, Hinduism, Catholicism, and Mormonism.  It has been recorded that at the dedication of the Mormon temple in 1831 there were charismatic experiences taking place.
  7. My most favourite part of the whole conference might seem strange to those who aren't aware of my background.  This has been a tough year for my family and me.  We left our church after 12 years of membership because their theology changed.  They became indoctrinated with Keswick theology through a group called Life Action Ministries.  This group believes that there are 2 types of Christians.  Carnal Christians and Sanctified Christians.  According to them, a Christian can slip from his/her sanctified state by sinning.  Therefore in order to return to their sanctified state they must experience revival.  This is where LAM comes in.  They will help you "work" your way back to your sanctified state.  Anyway, this "ministry" is constantly wanting revival of America and the world.  John MacArthur made a statement that encouraged me so much.  He said "If you are praying for revival, wake up, reformed theology is everywhere." 
It's true.  We have so much access to the Truth.  We have an infinite number of sermons available at our fingertips.  There are countless theology books available on Kindle. We need to study the Scriptures diligently so that we can know what is true and what is false.  The Charismatic movement doesn't want to be examined.  They turn discernment into iniquity and attack sound doctrine.  Truth matters and we have a huge responsibility given to us to discern and test all things. (1John 4:1)

Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Deep Dark Hole of Discernment!

Have you fallen into the deep dark hole of discernment yet?  I'm afraid that I have. I've actually found it to be quite illuminating.  My eyes have been opened to the false teachers and teachings that have entered evangelicalism.  I've spent some time investigating discernment blogs.  I appreciate the efforts of their authors to put information regarding questionable and false teachings all together in one place.  This allows me to quickly view the information and come to my own conclusions.  The discernment blogs that I read always include web links to support their conclusions.

Yet the growing trend is a venomous hatred for these blogs among many in evangelicalism.  I'd like to explore the reasons behind this hatred.  After all, God's Word instructs us to "test all things; hold fast to what is good." (1 Thess. 5:21)  In Job 28, we are given an interesting perspective on wisdom.  Wisdom is to be searched for like one would mine for gold or precious gems.

Why does this hatred towards these blogs exist?  I think there are a few reasons.  First of all, there is a great push in the secular world towards tolerance.  Everyone's ideas or views are legitimate and valid.  We should be tolerant and non-judgmental.  I think that this has seeped into evangelicalism.  It appears as though any "Christian" author who is deemed worthy by a publishing company should be esteemed unquestioningly by evangelicalism.  Anyone who fills a pulpit, has a show on TBN, or comes out publicly with some sort of "radical" idea is God's anointed and shouldn't be scrutinized by the lowly sheep.

The Bible instructs us to test all things and to search the Scriptures as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11.  The Bereans searched the Scriptures to see if what Paul and Silas had shared was the truth.  They held Paul and Silas up to scrutiny! 

The second reason for the hatred of discernment blogs arises from spiritual pride.  Many in evangelicalism do not believe that they could ever be deceived.  They believe that they would be able to recognize a false teacher or teaching without any difficulty.  But we know from the Bible that Satan is able to disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:13-15).  Our Lord Jesus Christ also admonishes us to take care that we are not deceived (Matt. 24:4,23-25). 

Lastly, I believe a major reason for the hatred of discernment blogs comes from our offering of praise to our favourite speakers/authors/pastors.  In evangelicalism, so many leaders are given worship and praise.  In the eyes of their followers they can do no wrong.  Even when their followers are shown that their leader has fallen into error they deny it and turn on those that have pointed out the error.  The only one who is deserving of our praise and worship is God alone.  He alone is never-changing.  All others are at risk of falling into error.

Discernment blogs are a tool to be used with discernment!  It is important to insure that the blog is backing up their statements with web links so that you can investigate for yourself.  It is also imperative to note whether or not the blog appears to have a vendetta against a certain speaker/author/pastor.  Also if the speaker/author/pastor has repented of their error than the blog should note that to its' readers.

I am thankful for the gift of discernment.  I pray for continued wisdom daily.  I will continue to use discernment blogs wisely and insure that they hold up to the ultimate test of Scripture.

Friday 2 September 2011

The Truth about the Threat to the Doctrine of Imputation

"What  can wash away my sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.  What can make me whole again?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus."  This old hymn is of course describing the beauty of the doctrine of Imputation.  The truth that while we were sinners God attributed our sins to Jesus and gave Him all the punishment that we deserved.  He then attributed Christ's righteousness to us and gave us every blessing Christ deserved.  This "Great Exchange" is the blessed hope of every believer. (2Cor. 5:21)

There are many threats to the doctrine of Imputation.  But one in particular may come as a surprise to many of us.  It comes from its most fervent supporters.  The threat comes from us.  You see we often give lip service to the doctrine of Imputation but rely on our works.  Our default position as sinners is works-righteousness.  That is why all the religions of the world rely on works for salvation except for Christianity.

The sin of works-righteousness is creeping into mainstream evangelicalism.  It may have even crept into your own life.  I know that I have seen it in mine.  Let's say that I have a really bad day.  I fight with my husband and I yell at my kids.  Then everything starts going wrong; my van breaks down and my basement floods.  I begin to think that I as a saved individual have become unacceptable to God.  I am threatening the doctrine of imputation with this thought pattern.  I am thinking in my heart that there is something that I can do to make myself acceptable to God.  As though God needs a little help in order to forgive me of my sin.

Out of this type of thinking is born legalism.  I may decide to do something to improve my standing with God.  I wake up one morning and determine in my heart to serve my husband and children that day with a good attitude.  That day everything goes right; my husband gets a raise and the children clean the whole house without being asked.  I figure that God has deemed me acceptable and is looking favourably upon me.  Somehow my works have helped me continue my right standing with God.

Of course this type of thinking is completely incorrect.  There is absolutely nothing we can do to make ourselves acceptable to God.  There is no sliding scale of sin with God.  In Romans 4:5-8, Paul makes it clear the imputation of righteousness to us through Christ is completely apart from any human work.  Christ's blood has washed away all my sins whether they are in the past, present, or future.  As Christians we need to embrace this doctrine wholeheartedly.

We need to realize that we are pleasing to God based on Christ's righteousness alone being imputed to us.  We do not need to somehow work to continue to attain this righteousness.  If we do sin we can pray and ask God for His forgiveness.  1John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Unfortunately, self-righteousness and works-righteousness will continue to creep up in our Christian circles.  The important thing is to recognize it in our own lives and as Christians we shouldn't give it a foothold.  We need to lean fully on the doctrine of Imputation and remember - "What can wash away my sins?  Nothing (absolutely nothing) but the blood of Jesus."  Do I hear an Amen?

Monday 22 August 2011

Does God Spreak Audibly to His People Anymore? (The trend of personal revelation)

If you've been in Christian circles long enough you will inevitably hear the following statements: God spoke to me;  God told me; I heard God say...  These statements normally send a chill down my spine and not in a good way.  Most of the time these Christians are just using a turn of phrase.  To them it really means that the Holy Spirit may have convicted them of something through the Word or perhaps in hindsight they note God's hand in a decision they have made.  But some Christians actually think that they have heard the audible voice of God.  Therefore, they believe that they have received personal revelation.
This personal revelation is especially being seen in the emergent church but it is spilling over into the mainstream evangelical church.  The main reasons I have a problem with personal revelation are as follows:
1)  Satan has the capability of posing as an angel of light.  In other words, he is a counterfeiter.  The voice that you hear could be that deceiver or one of his demons. (2Cor 11:14) 
2) The canon of the Bible is closed.  Therefore any revelation you are receiving should be included in the Bible.  Yet the Bible includes a curse for those who would add or take away from the Biblical canon. (Rev 22:18,19)
3) Scripture is sufficient and the final word of authority for any Christian. It alone is our infallible rule of practice and faith. (2Tim. 3:16,17)
It has also been shown in times past that personal revelation has led to numerous cults or sects including Mormonism (personal revelation of Joseph Smith) and Seventh Day Adventism (the visions of Ellen White).  If someone claims to have heard from God, it is hard for many to dispute their claims.  Who can argue with the words of God?  Many televangelists use this in order to reel in vast amounts of cash from undiscerning people.
I can't stress enough that Scripture is sufficient for us.  God gave us His Words already, we should be reading them instead of waiting for some extra-Biblical experience.