Have you fallen into the deep dark hole of discernment yet? I'm afraid that I have. I've actually found it to be quite illuminating. My eyes have been opened to the false teachers and teachings that have entered evangelicalism. I've spent some time investigating discernment blogs. I appreciate the efforts of their authors to put information regarding questionable and false teachings all together in one place. This allows me to quickly view the information and come to my own conclusions. The discernment blogs that I read always include web links to support their conclusions.
Yet the growing trend is a venomous hatred for these blogs among many in evangelicalism. I'd like to explore the reasons behind this hatred. After all, God's Word instructs us to "test all things; hold fast to what is good." (1 Thess. 5:21) In Job 28, we are given an interesting perspective on wisdom. Wisdom is to be searched for like one would mine for gold or precious gems.
Why does this hatred towards these blogs exist? I think there are a few reasons. First of all, there is a great push in the secular world towards tolerance. Everyone's ideas or views are legitimate and valid. We should be tolerant and non-judgmental. I think that this has seeped into evangelicalism. It appears as though any "Christian" author who is deemed worthy by a publishing company should be esteemed unquestioningly by evangelicalism. Anyone who fills a pulpit, has a show on TBN, or comes out publicly with some sort of "radical" idea is God's anointed and shouldn't be scrutinized by the lowly sheep.
The Bible instructs us to test all things and to search the Scriptures as the Bereans did in Acts 17:11. The Bereans searched the Scriptures to see if what Paul and Silas had shared was the truth. They held Paul and Silas up to scrutiny!
The second reason for the hatred of discernment blogs arises from spiritual pride. Many in evangelicalism do not believe that they could ever be deceived. They believe that they would be able to recognize a false teacher or teaching without any difficulty. But we know from the Bible that Satan is able to disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:13-15). Our Lord Jesus Christ also admonishes us to take care that we are not deceived (Matt. 24:4,23-25).
Lastly, I believe a major reason for the hatred of discernment blogs comes from our offering of praise to our favourite speakers/authors/pastors. In evangelicalism, so many leaders are given worship and praise. In the eyes of their followers they can do no wrong. Even when their followers are shown that their leader has fallen into error they deny it and turn on those that have pointed out the error. The only one who is deserving of our praise and worship is God alone. He alone is never-changing. All others are at risk of falling into error.
Discernment blogs are a tool to be used with discernment! It is important to insure that the blog is backing up their statements with web links so that you can investigate for yourself. It is also imperative to note whether or not the blog appears to have a vendetta against a certain speaker/author/pastor. Also if the speaker/author/pastor has repented of their error than the blog should note that to its' readers.
I am thankful for the gift of discernment. I pray for continued wisdom daily. I will continue to use discernment blogs wisely and insure that they hold up to the ultimate test of Scripture.